



The late Lee J. Cartwright’s “Heart-Mending” process is a brilliant one
that a dear friend of mine, turned me onto around 2016. I eagerly
accepted the paperwork and the accompanying DVD which enabled
me to learn this process, and later to do it on myself many, many
times, and later to begin offering it to others. As any who attended
Lee’s unique healing sessions, many would report that they didn’t
understand why Lee’s sessions worked, but they sure did! His Heart-
mending sessions certainly contain his unique and effective
approaches to healing.
I mean, who hasn’t had a Broken Heart? And as Lee points out a
broken heart does not just have its basis in romantic situations, but also
also basically any painful event from the past that the heart feels is
still happening now…qualifies. As Lee says, “examples of
heartbreaking events can also include:

  •  Cruel treatment by your “ex.”
  •  Loss of a child.
  •  Wrenching choices to “stay” or “leave.”
  •  Subtance Abuse.
  •  Societal events such as wars, terrorism or crimes.
  •  Losing a loved one to a protracted illness.

So you see, there are many events that can contribute to a Broken
Heart. I’m sure you could add a few of your own!! I personally,
thought of the loss of a pet right away…given that pets are often like
family members, and many folks I have known, have grieved the loss
of their pet like no other.
WHY do a Heart-Mending session? Well, to ease the pain &
heartache, to be less dissociated and fragile and to instead upgrade
your Heart to become stronger, bigger, more compassionate and to
feel safe and alive..just to name a few reasons!
I have no way to “prove” this, but my intuitive hunch says I would not
be alive and well, had I not done this technique several times!! In fact,
I‘d probably be a cardiac mess. My mother suffered decades long of
cardiac issues like: hypertension, multiple cardiac surgeries and pharmacuetical
“cross-wires” where one pharmecuetical would create a side-effect
thereby needing another pharmacuetical to counteract that effect and
on and on. She was taking a daily dose of 9-12 different
pharmacueticals towards the end of her life, many for cardiac issues.
In several respects, I think she actually died of a “Broken Heart.” I
wish I had known about the Heart-Mending Technique before my
mother crossed over. I think it would have helped her immensely.
The process is a bit complicated to do on oneself, but it can be done!
It is nice, at least for the first time or second, however, to allow
another trained in this technique, with whom you feel safe and who
has compassionate skills to guide you through this process and hold
space for you as you do it.
Without going into the “how it is done” suffice it is to say it does
involve a lot of speaking outloud (mostly on your part). Again, it is
very nurturing and wholesome to allow a trained other guide you
through this process and hold space for you. It can become quite
emotional as you can imagine. So interesting to me, how also my
speech became very jumbled during some of the processes…a
common effect.
Lee did teach, quite extensively, the science behind this process. I
find it quite fascinating and happy to share more of that with you if
you’re interested. You can engage this link for more info:
I’ll leave you with one of many of his scientifc teachings which
underpins much of Lee’s Heart-mending work:
“The heart generates a scientifically measureable field which
interconnects every cell of the body to the heart and extends out (and
returns from) several feet in all directions. Trauma can limit the size,
shape, and vitality of the field. The process updates the heart to the
truth of who you are now.”
The aim is to help you reduce your suffering…and heartache can
certainly be one which attracts a great deal of suffering. Let’s
maximize your joy! Shall we?