About Elizabeth Rose
“What Does Your Heart Tell You?”
ELIZABETH ROSE has a diverse background as a Healing Arts Practitioner in Spiritual Healings and Energy Healing, as well as a Teacher and Multi-media Maven. Integrating one’s Common Sense, in a loving non-egoic Way, is perhaps the most Vocal inner compass that Rose listens to, within herself and while assisting others to also hear and make good use of their own inner compass aka Common Sense; revitalizing their own trusty mechanism for navigating in the world.
Rose is an acknowledged Wisdom Keeper in the field of conscious pregnancy, birthing and supporting happy family and relationship dynamics, gained through her multi-faceted pathways of education and experience. Since 2002, she has been deeply immersed in Family Constellation work and Intergenerational Healing, including a three year training and Certification with Songs of the Ancestors & Hella Neumann who trained with Constellation Founder, Bert Hellinger. As a skilled and sensitive educator and practitioner, Elizabeth has also practiced and taught Massage for the Childbearing Year since the late eighties, attended 140+ births as a Labor Support Doula. Elizabeth has been an Instructor in many modalities over the last three decades.
Her current passion and focus includes being a Facilitator of Family Constellations, aka Systemic Constellations, in the tradition of Bert Hellinger. The many facets of her deep listening skills and spiritual healings with individuals and families, have risen out of her personal evolution in healing childhood wounds, specifically anxiety and depression, her own Dark Night of the Soul experiences and through “prayer for healing” rituals such as the Judaic moving meditation “Hitbodedut” and the Hawaiian prayer of forgiveness modality “Ho’oponopono.” Elizabeth also assists others through the trauma-release process created and offered by the late Lee J. Cartwright of Santa Fe, called “HeartMending,” or “Mending Broken Hearts.” Additionally, her education in Human Development & Family Studies and experience as a preschool teacher, has contributed greatly to her empathetic understanding of dysfunctional family dynamics and has fueled her passion for supporting individual and family health and wellness. Elizabeth has assisted as a “doula for the dying,” in the crossing over of her uncle, mother-in-law and mother.
Elizabeth’s most recent focus was her two-segment podcast called “Stop & Smell The Roses, and Wake Up to Smell the Coffee!” You can listen to her episodes here on the website under the podcast tab, or in the side bar menu, or by clicking here.
Since the mid-90’s, Rose served in many roles: as the office administrator, music director, announcer, co-producer, and co-host with Founder and Host, Alan Hutner, for Transitions Radio Magazine (TRM); later she co-hosted the show occasionally with TRM Host Jon Whitsell who took over when Alan departed Santa Fe. 1,865 radio shows later, Alan crossed over in January of 2020. TRM & TMM came to a close as well. Elizabeth gave voice to the Mystery on TRM in her several recordings, referred to Rosie’s Ruminations (some posted on the Rosies Ruminations page of this site). As with many aspects of her life, Rose’s current radio role is transitioning, but she is still a strong advocate for midwifing conscious multi-media.
Elizabeth’s last media venture was with C.A.T. Chats (C.A.T. stands for Consciousness in Action for Truth). RosieCat co-hosted many Episodes with MaharaCat and Jane/BethesdaCat. While Elizabeth chose to exit this task, happily C.A.T. Chats continues today, with an on-line broadcast with host MaharaCat. C.A.T. Chats lately has focused on exposing and the varying degrees of corruption in the state of New Mexico; while supporting a steady stream of incoming integrity, transparency and truth.
Last but certainly not least, Elizabeth is a mother to her NM home birthed daughter, now in her early 30’s who is embarking on her next career ~ from Oceanography & Scuba ~ now into her online E-bay Clothing Store and is an RDH (Registered Dental Hygienist), and recent graduate from Lane Community College Hygiene Program, in Oregon.