Episode Three
Theme(s): Intuition
Related Links:
www.shegathersbeauty.com (Wendy Havlir Cherry)
www.clarissapinkolaestes.com (Women Who Run With the Wolves)
www.goodreads.com/book/show/77097332-masculine-wisdom (For Victor La Cuerva) Victor doesn’t have his own website.
Stop and Smell the Roses
Ok here we go. Episode number 3 Segment one: Stop and Smell the Roses. Thank you for joining me, as my intro said. I have several quotes I want to start this segment with, but the overall theme of this Podcast is Intuition: the Development of and the Use of your Intuition. I want to start with a poem first. Don’t even know where this came from, but I wrote it down, obviously I really loved it. I believe upon looking more deeply into the authors name… that she lives here in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Wendy Havlir Cherry. The name of this poem is She Gathers Beauty from her first book of Poetry The Reach is (W)holy. You can go to shegathersbeauty.com Wendy is a Poet & Published Author, Contemplative Psychotherapist & Shamanic Practitioner. She refers to this book as “An alter of words.” This is the poem She Gathers Beauty I will follow that with a dream that I had ~ “God’s Duct Tape Dream.” Very different than this. Believe Wendy is a very intuitive person. Comes through in her poetry.
She Gathers Beauty
by Wendy Havlir Cherry from her book of poetry: The Reach is (W)holy.
“Take it all to the temple
Despair is elegant there
Cushions for your knees
Wings at your heart
Mending happens
Fall apart
Invest in Release
Instead of Suffering
Let shadow come with you
Hold her hand
Sit in the light together
Your skin is tender now
Please ask
To be shown
Offer everything
To this fresh moment.”
She Gathers Beauty ~ the name of the poem by Wendy Havlir Cherry
That’s for you to listen to. I’m was just guided. I’m just showing up.
Duct Tape Dream that I had was in January of 2023.
God was kinda prancing around ~ God was a male in my dream.
He was prancing around with a big roll of duct tape.
I was like, “Hey God what are you doing with that?”
He very boastfully, happily and joyfully pranced around with his duct tape
Well you know, I’m coming into everyone’s life with my roll of duct tape
That Duct Tape stuff is really very sticky.
He said, “I know, it’s very sticky.”
God, everything sticks to duct tape
Well that’s the point
I’m basically ripping everything out of your life, taking it all away.
God, why are you doing that?
So you can put back into your cubicle, (each one of you has a cubicle) and you can put
back in you cubicle what you want!
You can engage in this “Fresh Moment” to quote Wendy
I’ll call it “This Fresh Moment Duct Tape Dream.”
That was the end of the Dream.
I feel God is very appropriately engaging our intuition in the sense that. God has removed a great deal from our lives. I know that is true for me and I imagine it probably so is for you. We are getting to recreate intuitively what to put back into our cubicle aka our lives. Between that poem and that Duct Tape Dream, I’m gonna go to another quote from Masculine Wisdom by Victor La Cerva, M.D. He’s in New Mexico as well. Drawn to this deck. Divination Cards. Chose the water card. Listen to this spiel about water! Talks alot to me, very loudly of intuition. “You are adrift in a sea of galaxies on a vast ocean where life began about three billion years ago. The magic of the molecule of water embraces existence in many ways, continually supporting hundreds of thousands of species everyday. Sixty five percent of your body is composed of water similar in chemical compositions to your ocean origins. Many of your hormones, your currents of vitality, cycle in tune with the tides, considered in some realms to be the breaking of the earth. You are a living fossil. Your moods, energy level, and perceptions of what is going on around you are influenced by water rhythm.” I will say this is the part coming up that particularly reminded me of intuition. “Do you observe, respect, and listen to what they tell you? As in a desert, ocean life tends to congregate in oasis, with long stretches of emptiness. Similarly the richness, purpose and meaning of your life is always there, if you can but find it in your own depths.” Doesn’t that remind you of intuition? “Have you ever been drawn to climbing up a stream, searching for its source, curious about how it began? Often we don’t take the time to discover and explore the depths of our inner currents. Do you tend to jump into rivers whose directions you are unsure of and then fight the dominant flow searching for your true self? Or do you mostly drift, lost and alone, uncertain of your direction? There are eddies in the river of your life where you can rest, and also those stronger currents that can overwhelm, even as they move you more rapidly towards what you say you really want.
The Water card flows into your life today, to remind you to honor the myriad of ways in which water makes you feel so good. To drink deeply of it, quenching thirst and feeling its life giving essence re-energize your body, to wash away the dirt and grime of physically taxing labor or sport, to feel the delicious cool breeze it engenders in concert with terrain and sky. To gaze at the stimulating power and beauty of its myriad forms in stream, river, lake, sea, and wild ocean, always different with the dancing light, the foliage it supports, the food it endlessly offers, the worldwide villages that dot and cling to its life sustaining shores. Not to mention the play in and on it and all the varied emotions it engenders within: deep appreciation of the planet’s beauty, awe and inspiration in the face of its potent creative flows, and a reverence for the great mystery itself.” That again is from Masculine Wisdom, Victor La Cerva MD about Water.
In my own life I will say Intuition has mostly grown over time, with practice, with not even really thinking of the development of it. Was cumulative. All the sudden I was aware I didn’t have intuition and then next moment I was! Perhaps that because of the bodywork, birth, constellations. Myriad of decisions; recognize that my intuition helps me in choosing: the podcasts I listen to, the YouTube I listen to, whom I is listen to. My environment has to be uncluttered, quiet, still to receive my intuition Yet in my busy life, I have noticed decisions every day are influenced by my intuition. If I feel like I need left brain influence I have that. I hope you do too… I do think we are entering this time in our life when our left and our right brain are needed.
Courage. Leap of Faith, Garner and gather your strength, (not just your beauty), your confidence your passions, what inspires you to move forward. I appreciate God is going around with his duct tape, beautiful poems like from Wendy and I appreciate YOU. You are my great Teachers. More upbeat, palate of what Kalyani offers.
Diamond in the rough, alchemy. Adamantine is like the Diamond in the Rough.
Asks us to listen, to be ready to go, and definitely engages your intuition.
The Soul Remembers
Find what you’re made of
Ready to go, ready to ask, to listen
Into the Darkest
Facing your fear
Diamond in the Rough
Love Sweet Love
Sunbeam knows the Sun
Born of Eternity
SONG: KALYANI & Circle Up / “Adamantine” / Kalyani Collection / 5:01 / can fade IN at
14:00 and OUT at 2:25
Kalyani is from Rough & Ready California
• https://soundcloud.com/kalyani-marsh for more songs by Kalyani
End Part I
Wake Up and Smell the Coffee
Intuition: the Development of and Use of your Intuition
Alright we’re into our second Segment of of this Podcast Episode number three: called Wake Up and Smell the Coffee. Gonna take it up a notch. This Podcast is on Intuition: the Development of and the Use of your Intuition. Going to quote from this book. Actually going to use this book quite a lot to discuss Intuition: the development of and the use of your intuition.
It’s one thing to develop your intuition to curate it, it’s another thing to use it. Remind you that many equate intuition with one’s gut instinct. Often people will say. “Shoot, I should have followed my gut feeling.” Encourage you to follow your intuition, take a risk, take a leap of faith. Choose something not so dangerous at first, and work your way up. A risk is required. As is taking a leap of faith is required. That’s one of your challenges. Quote is from…Who remember’s that book? Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, PhD. Her book is also subtitled as Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype. This is the First Edition, published in 1992. For more information, you can go to her website clarissapinkolaestes.com
As a whole brain podcast, both men and women are included ~ both sides. Maybe you men have the “manwee” within you. Gentlemen you know what I mean. Division in the 90’s – well before that. Coming out of that. Speaking to the Divine Feminine in all. We both have a masculine and feminine sides with ourself…we both have the right brain and the left brain. You gentlemen do have the Wild Woman Archetype within you. For all of you gentleman, I am speaking to you and perhaps the Divine Feminine within you.
Chapter 3: Nosing out the Facts: The Retrieval of Intuition as Initiation. Story of Vasalisa or The Doll or Wassalisa the Wise. Told in Russia, Romania, Yugoslavia, Poland and throughout all the Baltic countries of Europe. Many quotes about intuition in this story. Going to start with this one.
“Intuition is the treasure of a woman’s psyche. It is a divining instrument and like a crystal through which one can see with uncanny interior vision. It is like a wise old woman who is with you always, who tells you exactly what the matter is, tells you exactly whether you need to go left or right, tells you exactly what you need to do. It is a form of The One Who Knows, old La Que Sabe’, the Wild Woman.”
We all have that intuitive side inside of us. It’s referred to the human woman, the wild women within us, It pertains to us to you guys too.
“There is no greater blessing a mother can give her child/daughter than a reliable sense of the veracity of her own intuition. Intuition is handed down from parent to child in the simplest of ways: “You have good judgement. What do you think lies hidden behind all this?” Rather than defining intuition as some unreasoned faulty quirk, it is defined as truly the soul-voice speaking. Intuition senses the directions to go in for the most benefit, it is self-preserving, has a grasp of underlying motive and intention, it chooses what will cause the least amount of fragmenting in the psyche.”
Wow. I feel like I don’t want to say anything else about that. ALLOW FOR Silence, Quiet, Stillness, Reflection.
Going to Chris Chickering and his song. Many songs could have been used from Chris’s playlist that engaged intuition; wanted you to have a palate of what Chris offers. Slower side of Chris called The Better Side. His music has been defined as Healing, Positive and Inspiring! Probably why I like his music so much. In this song, my favorite line is: “Every Single One of Us Matters.” This song engages your intuition. Intuitively very true. Intuitively practice using your intuition; knowing who, what and why you are listening to ~ info is very tailored to the individual right now. Practice using your intuition – be open and willing to receive info that is perhaps new to us. Remember we are leading with our better side. Remember, every single one of you matters.
The Better Side
This world is battered and broken
Wounds are still open
Fighting to breathe
All that I can do is offer
The better side of me
Offer a hand for a need
Look all around me
I’ve seen the pain and the faith on it’s knees
One soul here
Lead with the better side of me
Every single one of us matters
Redemption is a door that is never closed
Even a little bit can make a difference
I know I’m just one in a million
But I’m gonna lead
With the better side of me
SONG: Chris Chickering / The Better Side (titletrack) / The Better Side / 4:57 / can fade IN
at 11:00 and OUT at 2:47 OR 4:30-4:47
chrischickeringmusic.com (to listen to or get more of his music)
End Part II